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"Hot Yoga saved my life. Some time ago, I decided to go back into medical training after a hiatus of almost a decade. Imagine being 40-something directly competing with 20-somethings and their factory-fresh parts and endless energy. Six weeks into a 3-year residency program, I was finishing up a late shift in the hospital when I felt an intense pain in my chest and my blood pressure was dangerously high. Many hours and tests later, I was told that I would have to quit the program I had worked slavishly to get into or probably die of a heart attack. Tearfully, I called my husband who said, "Maybe. Or you could go on a strict diet and commit to doing Hot Yoga once week and see where you're at in a month." Years earlier, I'd done Hot Yoga to get into my wedding gown and remembered stories of folks who had cured their diabetes or recovered from supposedly unrecoverable injuries this way. "I know you work 18 to 28 hour shifts and only have four days off a month," he said, "but guess what... instead of hanging at the coffee shop or napping, you are doing Hot Yoga." Challenge accepted. I did what he suggested, and a few years later, I was board certified in Family Medicine. I no longer need Yoga to keep me in shape, but I have found a new reason that propels me to Hot Yoga Plainsboro as much as possible. Every morning when I tune into the internet and am assailed by a thousand new anxieties trying to park themselves in my psyche... I am comforted to know that at least for 90 blissful minutes in a lovely, warm room surrounded by lovely, warm people, I can turn it all off and reconnect to the only thing that really matters. Eternal thanks to Ian and Carrie who make it all possible!"
Dr. Kim L., Princeton, NJ

New Student FAQs

Congratulations on the best decision you ever made in your life, to start hot yoga right now today. It is a decision that you will thank yourself for many the asanas coupled with the heat serve as powerful tools to help heal our bodies from the inside out – bones to skin. Take your time, listen to your body, take breaks and exercise wisdom & patience while on the mat.

What if I have never done yoga before?

No prior yoga experience is needed to attend any of our classes or join our community. All of our classes are beginner level. You will be able to do some form of the postures. Any body shape, any age, any fitness level can do this yoga; it does not discriminate.

What if I have an illness, injury or taking medication?

Please inform your instructor prior to class regarding any illnesses,injuries you may be taking. If you have a physical injury or limitation, the instructor will guide you throughout the class so you feel comfortable and do not further injury yourself. Always listen to your body. It’s important to push yourself, but just as important to take it easy.

Why the heat?

The heat will warm up your muscle very quickly for class. It also increased sweating and encourages circulation.

What should I bring?

We encourage you to bring a yoga mat, large towel and water. In case you forget any of these items or need new equipment, we have all of these items at the studio for purchase or rent.

What should do I wear?

We recommend wearing shorts or leggings with a t-shirt or sport's bra to class and bringing clothes to change into for the ride home. Wear something you feel comfortable sweating in. You will leave class feeling as wet as if you went swimming. Wear as little or as much as you feel comfortable. 

What should I eat before?

Eat something light at least two hours before class. Start with something small until you know how your body will react in the room. Over the years, we have seen people who are able to eat right before class, while others need to eat several hours before class. Everyone’s body is different, and until you know how your body will react, it is best for you to start small. Too much food in your stomach before class will cause your body to digest during class. If your body is digesting while you are trying to stretch in a heated room, you may experience nausea and discomfort.


Additionally, if you come in the morning, be mindful of your morning coffee or tea, since caffeine can significantly raise your heart rate to an uncomfortable level in the room. If you need coffee or tea to start your day, try to a drink a small cup to start until you know how your body will react during class.

What about drinking water?

We recommend coming to class well-hydrated.  drink. If you come in the morning, hydrate before you go to bed. If you come in the afternoon, drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially at lunchtime.


Remember: Water is water. Coffee, tea, alcohol, soda, fruit juices and sports drinks do NOT count toward your daily water/hydration intake.

When should I arrive?

Try to come 15 minutes before class starts, so you have time to setup and complete any necessary paperwork. Our school is open 30 minutes prior to the start of each class. The doors lock promptly at the start of class and remain closed at all other times. We try to stay on time so everyone can plan their schedules accordingly. If we start class late, then it is going to run late, and we do not want to hold up the class.

Schedule your first class now!

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